Friday, April 27, 2012

So this Instagram thing...

Being a Mass Communication major I made it a point to fully engulf myself in all things pertaining to social media. I joined Linkedin and Pinterest although neither one of them gets all that much use. The last thing I had left to join was Instagram. I feel like this should have been the first one to adopt in the semester. Hopefully I will use it a little more than the others. If you feel like following me my user name is  Matt_Farthing (original i know). 

Playoffs BABY!!!

The playoffs are finally here and I couldn't be more excited! After I have cooled down from the Ron Artest fiasco, I think I can officially say I still hate him. Probably even more now than I did right after it happened. To think that some people still think that his elbow was unintentional is insane. And the fact that he is still hanging on to his pathetic attempt at some sort of justification is insulting. How much more of Ron Artest can the NBA take. Does he have to kill someone? or bite someone? or maul them? Something has to give. The should adopt the 3 strike law. 3 Major suspension and you are out for a year. Maybe that will give him some time to think about a new name.

1 week!!

In one week I will be on the beach in Destin! This means I will not be walking but I'm fine with that. After all my high school graduation consisted of nearly 500 people. This was a long enough graduation for high school and college together. Plus I have to go to my sisters High school graduation that should have around 600 kids. Joy.

So thanks to my wonderful girlfriend who surprised me with this awesome trip I will be sitting on the beach instead of old, uncomfortable chairs.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Finals Week

Finals week has gotten here a lot faster than I could have expected. I am now spending my nights at our wonderful library. You can tell the people that frequently come here versus the ones (like myself) who seem to visit the library the last couple of weeks every semester. I am currently here working on an advertising overhaul for a Native American youth organization called Unity. I doubt any of you have heard of them. 

Graduation is right around the corner and I will just need a solid 9 hours of summer courses to get my diploma! I could't be more excited to finish school and step out into the real world. (one that hopefully doesn't use a library.)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Still Searching

After a few days I am still searching for a new blog title. Not that I hate the current one; it just doesn't really fit with the new direction. Being an Advertising based opinion blog, im sure, there are going to be thousands of possible titles. None of which I can currently think of. So if anybody has any suggestions feel free to let me know. In the mean time I will post just random stuff thats been on my mind. 

First off, UCO has the worst drivers I have ever seen. Granted our parking lots are the most conducive to allow a massive amount of room to park, but come on. I may be a little biased due to the fact that I am a driving instructor and not to toot my own horn or anything, but I'm a pretty awesome driver. If you can't manage to park your big ass truck in a standard size spot, then it is time to reevaluate your car buying decision. Or do what I do daily to the 15 year old kids who have NEVER driven before and go to an empty parking lot and practice till you get it correct. 

Second, if I had the chance to punch Ron Artest in the face and then run away really fast I would. I refuse to call him by his "name". Metta World Peace was the biggest joke/publicity stunt since Dennis Rodman wore a wedding dress. He is an embarrassment to the game of basketball and to professional sports in general. I feel like he should be suspended for the amount of time James Harden is out plus 15 games. NBA fans should be insulted by the fact that he is still trying to play this off as an accident. He couldn't even spell Hardens' name correctly in an attempt at a apology. Ridiculous. 

Sorry for the rant, but i will be doing it a lot in the next few days. Good luck on finals!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The BEST Nissan Commercial Ever

Excuse my Absence

      A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that I was going to be completely consumed with school work, and poker, as well as a few other hobbies, would have to take a back seat. I am pleased to say that the large chunk of work that I was dealing with is over. I am an advertising student and our campus ad agency, Central Edge, represented UCO in Shreveport, LA at the end of last week. We were competing in a national advertising competition, and according to most of the spectators, we had the best presentation. Unfortunately the judges did not feel the same way. But, I am extremely proud of our team. I was on the broadcast team and in charge of creating the commercial. In the judges comments they were skeptical of who produced our commercial; implying that it looked to professionally done. A great backhanded compliment, but I would have rather won. 

After producing this commercial I realized that I would much rather be blogging about advertising instead of poker. I cannot consistently find the time to play enough poker to matter at all, but I spend all my time around the world of advertising. So hopefully in the next week or so I will be changing my blog over to an advertising/social media/marketing platform. Doing so will provide me the material to continue blogging long after this class. Think Mashable, but with a more college based view of everything. 

Here is my baby (the commercial) that I have been producing over the last week. The national business was Nissan.