Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Spring Break!

   This was probably the worst, most anti-climactic Spring Break I can ever remember. In high school I would have been busy playing baseball and things of that nature. My first 4 (or 5) years of college it was spent working a part time job giving me plenty of free time. This year was a little different. As some of you know I work at Merkley's Driving School full time. This consumed a large majority of spring break. I was driving in a car from 7 in the morning to 4:30 in the afternoon everyday except Sunday. Now if i told you this first, I'm sure you would think I took some elaborate road trip around all of the United States, stopping at every major city on the way. Nope. I drove around the Edmond/OKC area the ENTIRE time. SO... If anybody ever need to know where anything is I probably have a pretty good idea if not I can try to find it through out my day. 
   I am about to embark on one of the most brutal academic months of my life. I am turning off the poker and the x box for an entire month while i finish this semester. If I can make it happen I will be two summer classes away from graduating. SO i apologize for all of you poker fans out there who wont be getting there weekly (ish) poker fix. Maybe i will try another home improvement project instead, at least that way something positive will come out of this month.

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